Monday, July 12, 2021

Leela - the game of life

 In this weekend writing, let me continue with the playful mood and look at existence as "LEELA". LEELA means 'game' or 'past time' or 'play' or 'sport'.

This game is created and designed by someone. We can only speculate about Who created the game or Why was this created. But we can surely try and comprehend the "What" of this leela. This LEELA is like a brilliantly planned, self - organized and self sustaining computer game. We, humans, are just playing one of the major roles. The logic of the game is based on rigid, immutable laws, principles and has a cyclic periodicity.

At any given time, there are 14 stages of the game going on - starting with the world or loka of least consciousness called the Patala loka, followed by Rasatala loka, followed by Mahatala, Talatala, Sutala, Vitala, Atala lokas. The stage 8, which is Bhur loka is where humans in the form that we recognise are part of this complex game. As humans get moksha they graduate to the higher frequency worlds called (9) Bhuvar - loka (10) Svar - loka (11) Mahar loka (12) Jana Loka (13) Tapa loka and the highest (14) Satya loka. It is from Bhur Loka that humans can catapult themselves to the higher lokas, depending on the escape velocity of their frequency at the time of their physical death.

All creation is a mixture of the five elements - ether, air, fire, water and the earth. These five elements are actually just frequencies of energy that have coalesced into these five forms. Decrease of frequency can convert air into liquid and more densification can convert into solid (example : water vapour to water to ice).

So, let us look at this stage in the LEELA game and break it up into phases:

Phase 1 -Solar System :

The Bhurloka stage of game begins 13.6 billion years ago with the creation of the solar system through a BIG BANG or explosion of the "hiranyagarbh" or "bindu". As it exploded, the space it encompassed started expanding and continues doing so even till today. As the gases started solidifying, masses of solidified celestial bodies started forming. These solidified celestial bodies have laws of thermodynamics and gravity wields a certain influence on each of the components of existence. The movement of these bodies in the solar system has an impact on the behaviour and reaction of other parts of this game (example : (1) The effect of the moon on the tides and the water element in human bodies and (2) the complete science and study of the impact of the solar system on a human being (Astrology). The cyclic movements of the solar system would impact humans and others beings in a cyclic manner.

Phase 2 - Earth:

After a few billions years, within the Universe in this LEELA game, started the formation of the earth or BHURLOKA (stage 8). This earth is the location which is the setting of LEELA and where we are the participants. Like everything else, it has a set of the five elements densified into materials.

As in the solar system, the range of the elements is always within a certain set of range. For example, the temperature of the atmosphere is varying between minus 40 degrees to a maximum of 55 degrees, atmospheric pressure is also within a certain range, amount of oxygen does not become less than a certain level nor more than a certain percentage of air. The entire atmosphere and environment is controlled by some immutable laws like the law of gravity or the laws of thermodynamics etc. So, everything is well structured and intelligently planned in the LEELA.

But the Creator has a wierd sense of humour. As a twist in the game, some of the elements might play crazy - the air element may create hurricane, the fire element could explode volcanoes, the earth element would create earthquakes and along with the water element create tsunamis. The water element could create huge storms in the sea and along with the earth create avalanches. But mark you, all of this also is within a range. For example, the earthquake in Japan was 8.9 reichter, when it would well has been 12 or 15. The wind could have a velocity upto 180 kms/ hr, when it could be 300....similarly, the LEELA game specifies that while the elements go crazy for a while- it would still be in a certain range, else the set would be completely destroyed.

Phase 3 - Creation:

Having created the background of the universe and the earth, it needs to fill in stuff in the earth. So, LEELA uses the five elements to create various materials filling them with increased levels of consciousness to make it more and more exciting. The creation starts with the creation of rocks, stones and earth (physical world). This continues for a few billion years and once it gets saturated, the world of plants with increasing amount of consciousness, intelligence and complexity starts getting created till that got saturated too. Next creation was the animal world with the creation of the first cell with nuclei which evolved into worms, insects, birds, animals and mammals with more and more consciousness. Thus as the consciousness increased - it led to more intellectual ability, more complex brain structure, more sophisticated and sensitive nervous and other system. Now, the stage in this version of the game is set for the human race.

Phase 4 - Human creation:

This stage after a few billion years is the most interesting and exciting one in the LEELA game. The creator is now making the creation more and more complex and intelligent. Hence, after the formation and saturation of the animal kingdom, the first vestige of the human race starts getting visible. From apes to homo sapiens, the evolution of humans over centuries creates players who can play the game well. The homo sapiens' consciousness has increased with increase of intelligence and sensitivity. One can find higher size of brain, intellect and more complex nervous system in modern man than the pre historic one. For the first time, the Creator has given some right of impacting the game to the human race.

More in next weekend's blog

More Leela - birth of Mike

 This writings in the series of LEELA, is probably the more important ones that I have written. While it is written in a playful, tongue-in-cheek style - it is my complete understanding of existence.

The LEELA game of existence that I described in the last blog is now getting more and more complex. After the Big Bang, the formation of the Solar system, the earth and the introduction of life force, the humans have started appearing, Over millions of years, each generation is evolving into more complex and more intelligent human beings.

Let me reiterate - we are all energy bodies. When the energy or the prana withdraws from the human body, physical death takes place. The energy that can never be created nor destroyed changes form after that. This energy that withdraws from the body becomes part of the space energy, but stays together as a unit.

Today, we will assume some names and numbers for simpler understanding of an extremely complex process. Let us assume that there is an energy body or unit in space. Let us call this player in the game of LEELA - Mike. This Mike, like everyone in existence, is an energy body. This energy is an electromagnetic scalar energy, which cannot be measured using normal equipments, as scalar energy does not have direction, but only magnitude. Energy cannot be destroyed nor created, but can change form. Mike's energy slows down and speeds up and thus changes form. Mike's energy or prana has left its earlier physical body before many, many years and is now in space.

Mike's energy body is of a frequency range between 300 Hz to 800 Hz. Its mean frequency is of 450 Hz. The attitude / behaviour patterns of when he had left his last life (manomaya kosha), the knowledge of his last life (vijnanmaya kosha) and the depth of truth, consciousness and bliss (sat-chit-anand) through the Anandamaya kosha. Having passed through the necessary cycle post-death (will write about the post-death cycle some time later), Mike is ready for taking a human birth.

Phase 5 - Mike's Human birth:

The sperm and the ovum create a zygote, which have the characteristics of both the parents. This embryo starts developing, and at the end of a month, the head starts developing and then in the second month, the upper, lower extremities and other parts of the body start developing. In the third month of pregnancy, bones, skin, hairs and nails develop. Also in the third month, the external genital organs are formed. The 23 chromosomes of the father and the 23 chromosomes of the mother is responsible for the characteristics of the child that is being formed, till now. So, part of the physical, emotional, mental growth is determined by the parents. Now a twist is thrown in the game.

The partially formed womb is now ready to attract a certain frequency of energy, or prana. And because the parent's average energy was close to 450 hz, it starts pulling pranas which are close to 450 hz and ready to take birth.

Mike, the key player in this LEELA reaches first out of the thousand similar frequency energies in space that are ready to take birth. The womb in addition to the qualities of the parents takes on the characteristics of Mike, the energy. This energy that was stored in space along with the karmas (charge of the last life) enters this new womb. Then based on the womb along with Mike's energy, the various tissues start getting formed from the 4th month - the tissue fluids (Rasa), leading to Blood (rakta), leading to muscles (mamsa) will lead to formation of bones (Asthi). This will finally lead to the reproductive fluids (shukra) . Thus depending on the mixture of the energies of the womb and Mike, the formation of the new child - Mike will be determined.

With the ninth month, the baby Mike will come out of his mother's body. He is now ready to become one of the heroes of the LEELA game. He has continued from where he left in his last life, but he has now got a mixture of his energy and karma of the last life along with some genetic characteristics of his parents. Depending on all of these, his mean frequency of 450 Hz is distributed over the seven chakras. 20% of it in the Root chakra (muladhar) of 300 Hz, 20% energy in the sexual chakra (Swadhisthana) around 380 Hz, a maximum of 40% energy in the solar plexus chakra (manipura) of around 450 Hz and then distributed over the heart chakra (Anahata) - 5%, Throat (Visshuddha)- 5%, Third eye (Ajna) 5% and Crown chakra (Sahasrara)- 5% being the highest with 800 Hz.

Therefore, Mike with a mean frequency of 450 Hz is now divided over all seven chakras with the maximum on the Solar Plexus (Manipura). Therefore Mike will be more concerned with the characteristics of Manipura chakras - business, work, family, name, fame, money etc. His life will revolve around leading a good, comfortable life with peer esteem. His mind and body will be focussed towards making the most comfortable life possible. As he has more energy on the swadhistana and muladhar - he will be rooted and secure, interest towards good food, travelling, comfort, sex and will be plagued with jealousy, anger, mood swings, momentary pleasures and pains etc. Interest in serving others, altruism, deep study and research, search for the Truth etc will not be part of his quest.

What is the composition (prakriti) of Mike? Does he have more air or water or fire? What is its proportion? Let us assume that Mike's prakriti (constitution) is more of Fire (55%) and less of Water (25%) and still less of Earth (20%). Therefore Mike's will have more characteristics of Fire element - ruddy complexion, proportional body, bright eyes and medium body structure. His mind will be sharp, his words will be penetrative, his anger and sarcasm very cutting, tremendous envy, jealousy and ego, his analytical skill and grasping power will be fast.

Thus Mike is now created and ready to play the game of LEELA with these qualities, energies and characteristics.

Still more LEELA - the setting

 The game of LEELA continues. The Universe and its inhabitants with its rules and systems (maya) is operating well. This extremely complex and brilliantly designed game also has a cyclic and time component. It uses energy to drive the entire LEELA with a mixture of higher energy (sattva), middle range (rajas) and lower frequency (tamas), used in different proportion at different times.

Cyclic Existence

Like the celestial bodies determine the morning, afternoon, evening, night and again day on a daily basis.

Like the celestial bodies determine the summer, winter, monsoon and again summer on a annual basis.

Similarly on a much larger time frame, existence is moving through its planned cycle of energy, with Satyuga (100% sattva), Treta Yuga (3/4th Sattva), Dwapar Yuga (1/2 Sattva) to Kaliyuga (1/4th Sattva) to Satyuga again. 


As we saw in the last blog, Mike has now taken human birth one more time. He is an energy body like all of us, having a mean energy of 450 Hz, spread over his seven chakras. He is also more pitta (fire constitution) and is living in the Kaliyuga.

In the Kaliyuga, the pure energy (sattva) or the higher frequency energy is around 25% . The game has to be played in a manner that sattva cannot be allowed to be completely obliterated. So, as per the game structure, new players are born every second - some of higher energy and some of extremely low frequency. As the trough or lowest point of kaliyuga is crossed, new beings are born that are more intelligent, more sensitive and overall. Every decade, we see more and more people moving around all over the earth seeking meaning and in a subconscious manner, higher energy. People may not understand themselves nor understand why they are searching, but the game is moving all the time, pre-destined and planned. The seeking for increasing purity has begun, slowly but surely.

Articles on spirituality, Saints and speakers of various denomination, formation of New Age religions, discussions on religious and spiritual issues is slowly pushing up the sattva aspect in mankind. But still, these are like blind men looking at the Elephant parts - with no idea of the complete animal. Someone feels one part and thinks that he only knows. But as the movement continues towards Satyuga, more and more complete knowledge will come.

So, Mike had taken human birth at the time that the game of LEELA is proceeding towards higher energy from the lowest it has reached. So, evolution is a natural instinct.

Mike's constitution

We are all made up of the five elements - ether or space, air, fire, water and earth. The proportion of the element of the energy (prana) which entered the womb and the proportion of the element in the zygote created by the sperm and the ovary will determine the constitution (Prakriti) of Mike when he is born. What is the percentage of Vata (air and ether), Pitta (fire and earth) and Kapha (water and earth) in his mind-body? The proportions will determine his body structure, his thoughts and his attitude.

Mike is made up of 55% of Pitta (fire predominance), 25% of Vata (air ) and 20% of Kapha (water). Therefore Mike is likely to be of medium physique, strong and well built. His mind will be sharp with good concentration powers. Assertive, self confident and aggressive. Pushy, competitive, passionate and irritative with excellent analytical skills, Mike is a typical Pitta person. He will be healthy as long as his constitution remains the same as during the time of his birth. But as it changes due to his food, behaviour, environment and thoughts, he will start feeling unease and that imbalance of his elements will lead to diseases.

Mike's energy distribution

Mike has been born with a mean frequency of 450. This energy is distributed over all his body and is related to the energy of the chakras. He has the maximum energy in his solar plexus chakra or the manipura. That means that Mike would be likely to be more concerned with relationships, earnings, family, peer reviews, business and having a "good" life.

After the manipura chakra, he has maximum energy in the sex chakra (swadhisthana) and root chakra (manipura) and thus he is rooted, interested in pursuing material pleasures, healthy and grounded.

The upper chakras are not well nourished and therefore Mike is not likely, in normal course to be a seeker of spiritual knowledge nor have an altruistic streak. He would be more concerned about himself and his close ones.

This is how Mike is, when he was born.

Along with Mike, in his locality were born Jai, a son of the Municipal sweeper of an average frequency of 330 Hz and Seema, the daughter of a teacher of an average energy of 650 Hz. They were born in Mumbai, which is a medium level geographic spot in India.

We are now looking at this billion of years old game LEELA, when Mike has taken birth.....

Continuous LEELA - meaning of the Game

 All species on the Earth work as per the rules, laws and limitations (maya) of the game. The Grand Design involved billions of years of the game of LEELA operating on cyclic days, years and Yugas. The Creator took the basic raw material of scalar energy. He then slowed this extremely high frequency energy to create the five elements of ether, air, fire, water and earth. These elements then manifested itself into forms. The solar system, earth, plants, birds and animals were created which operated by pre-determined rules.

But the Creator of LEELA has a great sense of humour. He has thrown in some more twists.

The human race was created after all the species of plants, insects, birds and animals were saturated. This human race had more intelligence, more developed nervous system and more eveolved consciousness, compared to the earlier species.

The Creator had designed the game of LEELA to give humans something that it had not given the others - FREE WILL.

Let us continue the story of Mike. Mike is born in this life at an average frequency of 450 Hz. He has the intelligence and the free will to either stay at this frequency or go up or down. Mike will need to use his choices, his intelligence and his free will to decide on his thoughts and actions. While the inexorable flow of events is pulling Mike towards the determined cyclic events - he still has a free will to decide some things in his life. Right now, the flow is evolutionary. The worst point in the Kaliyuga is over and evolution is part of the environment.

What is the extent of determinism and free will ? Let us look at an example. For example, if one was standing up to the waist in the sea, the deterministic waves would be coming and going all the time, depending on the tide, which in turn depended on the moon cycle. Within this movement of the pre determined waves, one still has the choice to push some of the waves away and create a small area where one could create their own temporary ripples. Similarly, the deterministic movement of the inexorable LEELA is like the waves. A human's free will is only capable of creating temporary ripples in the movement of the LEELA.

Mike has the choice to fine-tune his life and destiny using the three qualities (guna) - Sattva (high frequency or purity), Rajas (Medium frequency or action) and Tamas (Low frequency or inertia. While Mike is born with a certain frequency and characteristics (prakriti) and in a certain environment, he has been given the free will to change both - his prakriti and his environment. And to change, he can use his decisions in the choice of food (aahar), recreation (vihaar), behaviour or demeanour (aachar) and thought (vichaar) (AAHAR- VIHAAR-AACHAR-VICHAAR).

The extent and direction of the change will be determined by Mike's knowledge and intention. He could have vidya (right knowledge), avidya (lack of knowledge) or kuvidya (false knowledge) and that would determine his actions. If Mike has Vidya, then he would try and increase his frequency by using more of sattva guna, Avidya would drive him to use more of Rajas guna, retaining his present energy while usage of kuvidya would bring in ego, anger, jealousy (tamas) to bring down the frequency.

As mentioned in the earlier blogs, LEELA is a game played at different layers. We are presently at level 8 - the BHUR Loka stage. Like a computer game, players come and play and when they defeat the evil forces or achieve the goals, they go from stage 1 to stage 2 and so on. Mike is like a computer game player. In this Avatar in the Bhur Loka, he has a human body, some free will and an existing prakriti and environment. The LEELA game is designed in a manner that he can use his free will to increase frequency or decrease over many lifetimes.

If Mike has the right vidya or knowledge, he will use sattva and increase his frequency, to go to the next higher levels.

For example, suppose the entry level frequency of Bhur Loka is 300 Hz and Exit level is 800 Hz. Mike is born at 450Hz and then he uses his vidya to increase it in this life time to 600 Hz. Over the next few lifetimes, he goes to a frequency of 850 Hz. Now, Mike does not need to come back and play at the Bhur loka stage 8. But he goes to the next level of the game, stage 9 - BHUVAR Loka. Suppose, he played the game brilliantly and increased his level to 1500 Hz, then he can go straight to level 10 - SVAR Loka, if 2500. then to level 12 - JANA loka and if he could increase it to 3000 Hz, then he would straight away reach the highest game level - Level 14 - SATYA Loka.

So, the speed of evolution in LEELA depends on Mike and his free will.

Suppose, Mike did not have the right knowledge. He had avidya or kuvidya. Then he would make choices which uses more of tamas. That would bring down his frequency. And he can fall down to the next lower level, the 7th one - ATALA Loka, or maybe right down to the lowest level - PATALA Loka.

That is the game of LEELA. The usage of the three gunas to go up and down the levels of existence.

So, let us look at LEELA one more time.

One is given a certain prakruti or starting frequency and an environment. Within the environment and nature are embedded various guides (gurus), energy modules, books, scriptures, high energy people, temples, high energy places, yantra, tantra, mantras, Gods, Rishis and thousands of similar tools. One has to use one's intelligence and knowledge to recognise them, and then use them. Lead life of sattva gunas while indulging in aahar-vihaar- aachar and vichaar. That will propel the growth.

Activism, Service

 The choices one makes in life, drives one's growth towards either evolution, status quo or drop in frequency. For example, like Mike, if one was born at a frequency of 450Hz (which is somewhere in between the lowest frequency of 300 Hz and the highest of 750 Hz) then the choice of use of sattvic (purity) , rajasic (passion or action) or tamasic (inertia or impurity) actions would determine the evolutionary trend. The subset of the actions would be Aahar (food), Vihaar (environment), Achaar (behaviour) and Vichaar (thoughts).

For example, action that promote

1. Egoistic tendencies of I-me-myself, comfort and momentary pleasures would bring down the frequency.
2. Looking after family, business, extended family, success in society would keep the frequency at status quo.
3. Thinking and working for others, searching for truth, God, existence would increase one's frequency.

So, in our search of higher frequency, in this game of LEELA, what is the extent to which we should go? What is the balance? Where does activism fit in? Can we only live by serving others? Should we take sanyas and leave family and the narrow responsibility of society and dedicate one's life in search of truth and service to humanity? These questions assail us at all times. I have been thinking of these issues almost every day.

I found the answer to this, as usual in the Vedas. It says "As is the atom, so is the Universe; as is the microcosm, so is the macrocosm; as is the human body, so is the cosmic body; as is the human mind, so is the cosmic mind." So, let us look at one of the examples of the way nature behaves and learn from it.

A cell in the lung carries out a million reactions every second. In terms of physical and chemical composition and DNA structure, it is exactly the same as a cell in the kidney. But it has intelligence to take its own decisions. Out of the millions of reactions every second, the cell parallely carries out physical and chemical reactions, every second, to look after (1) Its own health and existence (2) Intercellular reactions to maintain the health of the lung (3) Health and operation of the Lungs (4) Health and operation of the Respiratory system and (5) Health and operation of the complete body. Note that it does not take care of one of the facets and then takes up the other. Every second and every microsecond, there is a continuous activity on all aspects of existence - its own and its dependent.

Let us extrapolate it to our lives.

Gagangiri Maharaj, a great yogi, used to say that we have to exist at three planes of consciousness. In the triple mode of consciousness, the person is first aware of his own body-mind system and observes from moment to moment the complex inward processes which are happening inside him. Secondly as he is not a closed being, he is also listening attentively to the world and to the people. He is aware of their individual and collective problems. With a sense of objectivity and detachment coupled with involvement and participation, he can find out relevant solutions to their problems.

Thirdly his uniqueness lies in being aware of the dynamic potentiality of the Other World : the Divine World of Peace, Compassion and Beauty. Through his meditative awareness, he is praying on behalf of the many for bringing Grace and Happiness to all.

Therefore, while we are all looking after ourselves and our family, we need to be engaged with the rest of society. Thus we must get engaged with activism, service to humanity and major reforms. And all these in parallel with the other activities. As a living cell cannot stop one set of reactions , while doing the intercellular ones, we should not just be involved with one's self or/ and one's family. We must at all time, be engaged with society and the country trying our utmost to bring in relief and happiness to others. But as Gagangiri Maharaj says "with a sense of objectivity and detachment, coupled with involvement and participation."

Thus, the more we work for society and the nation, more is our evolutionary growth. Use sattvic actions - pure foods, selfless thoughts and action and engagement or satsanga with good and powerful people.

That is the way one can start going towards winning the game of LEELA.

Energy, desire and activism

 As I continue the series on LEELA - the game of existence, let me quote a passage from the "The Autobiography of a Yogi" by Paramhansa Yogananda

''In reality there is nothing inexplicable about materialization. The whole cosmos is a materialized thought of the Creator. This heavy, earthly clod, floating in space, is a dream of God. He made all things out of His consciousness. God first created the earth as an idea. Then He quickened it; energy atoms came into being. He coordinated the atoms into this solid sphere. All its molecules are held together by the will of God. When He withdraws His will, the earth again will disintegrate into energy. Energy will dissolve into consciousness; the earth-idea will disappear from objectivity."

We are all parts of the creation as well as part of the Creator of this complex game of existence - LEELA. While the game is being played as per the rules and parameters designed by the Creator (which we may call destiny), we are given a bit of free will to make alterations in the game too. The amount of change that we can make is directly proportional to the desire and energy that we impart.

The free will allows us some power for amendments, changes and events in the flow of determinism. Today, let us look at the process to make these changes.

Events happen due to Iccha-shakti ( desire and energy).

Desire is the motivation that lies behind every action, the power and energy that causes all movement. Desire incites men to make the most incredible efforts. For example most events in your life can be sourced to desire - desire to be a doctor, engineer, businessman etc. One puts one's energy behind the same to make it happen. The scale of the event will depend on the energy imparted to the craving.

Let us look specifically at the aspiration to better the lives of the people of the nation. The desire for the same leads many of us to get involved in activities that echo our thoughts, idea, values and inspirations. That is ACTIVISM. How can we do it in the best possible manner? What are the mechanics of effective activism? How can we harness desire and energy to be most successful in the task that we have undertaken?


Convergence: If the desire is general or diffused ( India should be a great country / we must remove corruption / politicians should be hanged) then one cannot impart any energy towards a specific path. A source of light that is diffused cannot achieve good result, but if it is focussed into a single point like a laser beam, then one can end up doing some of the most complex operations with that energy. Similarly, our desire should be focussed on a single point agenda.

Therefore for the movement of the "India against Corruption", it was the single point agenda of the Jan Lokpal Bill, which converged all the energies of lakhs of people and led to the capitulation of the Government by accepting the formation of the joint committee. So, the more specific demand - the more convergence.

Intensity: Secondly, the craving should be intense. The more intense the desire, the more chances of the success. When the entire nation demands the Jan Lokpal bill, the cumulative intensity of the yearning will make it more possible for the successful outcome.


The conversion of desire into event is primarily due to energy. Energy is also of many types - the low frequency energy - physical, the middle frequency energy - intellectual and the high frequency energy - selflessness. When energy of the higher magnitude which is fuelled by thoughts of love for the nation, seva (selfless service), renunciation, sacrifice is used, the desire has more chance of being fructified. Energy of millions of people focussed on a specific agenda helps.

Example of Icha- shakti:

When one goes to a temple and prays for a specific outcome, we get it many-a-times. The reason for success is because one has a specific demand, an intense desire and one is praying for it in a high energy setup. This energy setup could be higher in a temple because a temple is architectured in a manner that the energy ricochets inside the dome, the symbols of fire, sounds of the bells, the shape of the building, the connection of the bells (Golden temple has a gold covering as gold is a good conductor of energy and the main bell is directly connected to the golden dome), the energy of so many positive vibrations and prayers, the energy of the idol (which is established by prana-pratisthan or energy transmission), the planetary position on certain days etc.

Therefore, for example, on a Tuesday if one asks for something in a Siddhi Vinayak Mandir, there are many instances when the desires have been fulfilled and we believe that God or Ganapati idol did the same. Also walking barefoot or rolling on the ground or promising something in return for the fulfilment of the desire, intensifies the desire. And what works is the concentration of demand and the focus or single pointedness of the desire. But all this would be nothing, without the requisite energy. Therefore it is the iccha- shakti which materialises the desire and we credit God or the idol or the temple for the same.

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Story of existence Part 1

 LEELA - the game of life, is like an extremely complex Massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG). If you were a youngster, you would have played MMORPG, which is a genre of role-playing video games in which a very large number of players interact with one another within a virtual game world.

In MMORPG, players assume the role of a character (often in a fantasy world) and take control over many of that character's actions. MMORPGs are distinguished from single-player or small multi-player RPGs by the number of players, and by the game's persistent world (usually hosted by the game's publisher), which continues to exist and evolve while the player is offline and away from the game. These games are played in different stages.

Existence is also a MMORPG game called LEELA. We are all players - playing by the rules of the game and working in the limitations of the environment. I have been writing on this game in the earlier blogs on LEELA. The ongoing series on LEELA had got a wee bit off track due to some of other activities.

Let us go back to the story of LEELA. Mike, Jai and Seema have taken human birth. We had assumed that Mike has a frequency at the time of his birth of 450 Hz, Jai - 330 Hz and Seema - 650 Hz. Today, we shall focus on Jai and his lifestyle.

Dividing the human frequency range from a mean frequency (found to be between 300 hz to 790 Hz) into three major divisions, we would get different characteristics, thoughts, behaviour and beliefs in each of the levels (one keeps on fluctuating across the levels at all times).

 Level one (Lowest frequency- 300 - 400 HZ) eg JAI : Physical and comfort driven existence - safety, survival, protection and maintenance. Food, shelter, sexual gratification are key drivers.

 Level two (Frequency 400- 550 Hz) eg MIKE : Accomplishments and love - family, society, business, achievement, ego. Understanding, gratitude, forgiving, tolerant are key characteristics.

 Level three (Frequency 550 - 790 Hz) eg SEEMA: Creative, Intuitive, transcendent - open, generous, non-judgemental, inspirational. Intuitive - Enlightened, aware, liberated. Mindset veering towards union of all opposites, non-duality (advaita), infinite one.

Now let us look at Jai, the sweeper's son who has been born at 330 Hz level.

Active Chakras : Root chakra or Muladhar and to some extent Swadhisthana or sexual chakra

Understanding of God or nature : Sometimes God is merciful and sometimes Vengeful, Sometimes God is angry, sometimes jealous and sometimes happy, God gives reward and punishment. At all times God is powerful. His role is to protect and defeat enemies. So, when there is a Tsunami or a natural disaster - God is angry and is punishing mankind. God has a face and a body. The relationship between man and God is based on duality or separation between man and his maker. God is a father giving punishment or love to the son. A son (man) is supposed to pray for his mercy and is all the time afraid of him, believing that one is alive only because of the grace of God - fear and violence are the key to his relationship. A typical level one person would tell his children to behave as God is watching them and will punish them for their sins. Sins and penance are some of the motivating tools. God, angel and the devil are the incarnates. Hell and heaven are the places to go after death. Temptation and fear are the key to the relationship with God.

Understanding and aspirations : The purpose of life is to cope with existence. Try and get some safety, security, comfort, good food, shelter and coarse pleasure of the senses. Strong standards of good and evil are ingrained. A good life has physical rewards - food, clothing, shelter, good spouses. A bad life means deprivation, abandonment, physical threat. Bad health is due to God's wrath and good fortune because of his benevolence. Life is a challenge to be met with force, violence and a need for protection and survival.

Values: For survival, the main characteristic is courage. People in this level give great deal of importance to courage leading them to victories. Fear is a despicable characteristic. Violence is accepted provided it is to demonstrate courage and defeat fear. The greatest fear of degeneration of values is the possibility to become a tyrant. The thin line between courage and tyranny is breached many-a-times. A simplistic thought process that believes in violence and force, reward and punishment, danger and mercy, heaven and hell, survival and fear creates relevant values.

Food and lifestyle: Spicy foods, meat, heavy foods, left over foods, garlic and onion dominant food. Violent, angry, lustful, greedy existence. Enjoyment means more food, more loud music, more sex and more and more fun which satiates the five senses. Addiction to many things that reflect this lifestyle is common.

You might have many traits common with JAI and am sure we all know thousands of JAIs.

Remember we are just players in this game of MMORPG game LEELA at stage 8 called the Bhurloka stage. If, we aspire to go higher in our frequency (and we have the option and the free will to do so) we need to use some of the techniques and technology that I have been writing earlier. This is a game of millions of lifetimes, hundreds of them in Bhurloka. One travels through stages across many lifetimes and at the end of a lifetime if you have crossed the threshold of frequency, then you straight go into one of the higher stages.

So, Jai will have to climb a lot if he intends to go to the next stage. But, if he starts growing in frequency, then his next lifetime could be at a higher frequency and so on and if his search and quest is genuine and earnest, in many lifetimes - he could enter the next stage.

Next time, we will talk about Mike. and his role in the game of LEELA.

Story of existence part 2


Was just browsing through some of the popular Massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPG). It is really interesting ! Thousands of players can role play each game at the same time in a brilliantly designed environment. The "World of Warcraft" has 1.5 million subscribers. WOW!

LEELA - the cosmic game of life has around 7000 million human and hundreds of millions of other subscribers - plants, insects, animals etc. LEELA is an extremely complex, nuanced, logical and intelligent MMORPG. We have discussed this in the earlier blogs. We are right now at stage 8 - the Bhurloka. Humans will have to raise their frequencies beyond 790 Hz to go into the next stage. Else, we will keep on being reborn into this stage 8. We could also fall below the frequency of 300 Hz and go back to stage 7 or lower. There are a total of 14 stages in this MMORPG, beginning from the lowest of patala-loka and going to the highest stage of Satya-loka.

Now, after 286 lives in Bhurloka, Mike has reached a reasonable frequency of 450 Hz. At his frequency, his characteristics are desire for accomplishments and love. The most important craving is for recognition, love, peer appreciation and societal respect in family as well as work. Unlike Jai, who felt that valour, courage and violence were his methods of resolving issues, Mike feels helping others, service to humanity and approach of peace is the way towards bringing the world to its senses.

His operative field is the sensory world. Work, family, children, spouse, religion and society are the reasons for his existence. Let us look at some of the characteristics to understand people in the Level 2 (400 - 550 Hz range).

Active Chakras : Solar Plexus chakra or Manipura, Heart Chakra (Anahata) and Throat chakra (Visuddha)

Understanding of God or nature : Still the concept of God being a separate entity from one's self, continues. Unlike the level one notion of a merciful and vengeful God, Mike's level two believes that God gives peace, happiness and calmness. Now, the demand to God is not to save, reward or give justice but to give happiness, peace and love. God is a vehicle towards inner growth. Detachment, calm, meditation and silence are demanded of God. Prayers are more focussed towards happiness and peace for oneself and family. Some start looking for God in others, hence service to poor and needy is one of the ways they serve God. Mike will tell his son to be a good man and to do good to society and nation. But still, the relationship between man and God is based on duality or separation between the man and his maker. God is an outsider which can offer you inner growth. Nature is not wrathful, but wonderful creations of the Maker and to be used sensibly. Love and peace are the key to the relationship with God.

Understanding and aspirations : The purpose of existence is to be successful in life. Take care of the family, society and the environment. Sensual gratification is now for higher tastes - visual, olfactory, audio etc. Good food, paintings, art, music, travel, decoration, fashion, looking good, being healthy and similar subtle enjoyments become the high points of life. Good morals, doing good to others, trying to search for happiness and peace within are some of the personal aspirations. A good life means respect and love for fellow human beings and a place in society. A bad life means struggle to earn, lack of respect in society, disrespect from family and turmoil in life. Life is a challenge to be won over by hard work, good values, sophisticated taste and lifestyle.

Values: The intense competition for material accomplishment leads to strife, turmoil and stress. But there is always a secret yearning for going beyond these material success and hence Mike aspires to become full of understanding, gratitude, forgiving and tolerance. People in this level 2 give great deal of importance to achievement, harmony and love. Getting angry, rude, mean, vulgar are shameful characteristics. Violence is not accepted unless family is threatened. The greatest fear of degeneration of values is the possibility to become obsessed with wealth and success. A thought process that believes in the duality of anger and love, failure and success, vulgarity and sophistication, loot and service creates relevant values.

Food and lifestyle: Rich foods, meat, eggs, butter, tasty food, garlic and onion dominant food. Enjoyment means richness - in food, lifestyle, money, enjoyments which satiates the five senses. Addiction to many things that reflect this lifestyle is common.

Most of the cultured mankind would have traits common with MIKE. Most of us are pretty similar to MIKE.

MIKE, after 286 lifetimes has now reached this frequency of 450 Hz and to cross 790 Hz and enter the next stages, he'll have to really change his mindset, thoughts and approach to life. If he continues to work for society and family, he'll not proceed much further.

JAI saw the pleasures of success and achievements of MIKE and aspired for them - but Mike is completely oblivious to the internal growth of higher frequency people. So, the critical question is - does he even know or is willing to accept that there is something higher ? Mike probably thinks that his knowledge and his aspirations are the highest that can happen. All his heroes are successful people on the material world - a Gandhiji, a Ambani, a Rockefeller, a Bill Gates, an Obama.

Arjuna stood in the middle of a war in the Mahabharata and saw his own family, friends and relatives in the enemy camp and was grief-struck, wanting to abandon the war. He was operating at a Level 2 frequency and peace, love and renunciation were his highest values. It was left to Sri Krishna to explain to him that life is MMORPG and that his role is to play the game as he is only a player. That life does not end with one death and that all players are just embodied souls that are immortal.

Is there a world of heroes beyond Mike's knowledge? Does he even know that a Krishna, an Aurobindo, a Vivekananda, a Babaji or an Osho exists?

Mike, like millions of people like us, is either a closed mind or a mind filled with his own thoughts - you cannot enter his mind. No new or drastically evolutionary idea will disturb his set thoughts. He might have to go through thousands of lives, taking rebirth at almost the same frequency. OR will he suddenly have some insights or someone to guide him ? Will there be a Krishna to recite the Bhagavada Geeta to Mike?

Next time, we will look at Seema's life who is at 650 Hz and what drives her. We will later track Mike and see if something out of the ordinary happens to him to catapult him towards a faster growth.

Story of existence Part 3

 LEELA - the cosmic game of existence is essentially like a Massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPG) that is being played on the computer. The human players on the stage 8 - Bhurloka, can be broadly classified into three, based on their mean energy frequencies.

As a parallel to that classification, Gagangiri Maharaj, a great yogi, used to say that there are three planes of consciousness.

At level 1, the person is first aware of his own body-mind system and observes from moment to moment the complex inward processes which are happening inside him.

At level 2, as he is not a closed being, he is also listening attentively to the world and to the people. He is aware of their individual and collective problems. With a sense of objectivity and detachment coupled with involvement and participation, he can find out relevant solutions to their problems.

Finally at level 3, his uniqueness lies in being aware of the dynamic potentiality of the Other World : the Divine World of Peace, Compassion and Beauty. Through his meditative awareness, he is praying on behalf of the many for bringing Grace and Happiness to all.

In earlier blogs, we looked at Jai operating at 330 Hz (level 1) and saw how he was more focussed on his body and mind, then looked at Mike at 450 Hz (level 2) and how his values, ethics and goals were about peace, love and service. Today, we shall consider Seema, who is born with a mean frequency of 650 Hz and is operating at level 3.

Her operative field is the world beyond sensory.

For Seema, life is a search for truth, consciousness and ecstasy (Sat-chit-ananda).

Active Chakras : Ajna or the third eye chakra, Crown chakra or Sahasrara.

Understanding of God or nature : The concept of God now undergoes a drastic change. One no longer feels distant from God, but a part of Him. Humanity and existence feel as if it is part of one's self. You are not just a boat caught in a storm being thrown from one side to other by nature. You are the storm, the environment and its LEELA.

Unlike the level one and level two that believes that God is separate and needs to be conciliated, there is no fear nor temptation in reference to God, because one is a part of Him. The search now is to find one's inner self. A genuine and real Guru in this level 3 is critical. The real role of a Guru is to introduce a person to his own self. To unveil the clouds of ignorance and unawareness.

Understanding and aspirations : The purpose of existence is UNION with one's self - the search is inward. Relations with family, friends, spouse, society, nation hold no significance. Sensual gratification is no longer important. Cleanliness, satsanga (company of evolved people), visiting high energy places (temples, yogis, religious places), discussing, reading and pondering about existential issues becomes the purpose of life. There is an increased intuitive knowledge, an increase in the natural psychic powers. One starts having instinctively clarity of thoughts, insights and wisdom. Allows one to connect to the "inner guru" or "higher self" for guidance and inspiration.

The passion to improve or change existence, family, others, nation is no longer an issue. One starts recognizing that nature and existence is perfect and everything is as it should be. A surrender to nature and God becomes a second nature of people in level 3. One does not get surprised by any event, one feels that there is a purpose for every second of his life and every incident. One is forever trying to decipher meaning to every occurrence.

Values: The yearning for unity with all leads to love, understanding and compassion for all reality. Competition fades as one realises that we are all part of the same God. There is a crazy desire about becoming one with the maker, the surrendering to existence is intense, one feels that one is complete and perfect and therefore there is no need for approval nor recognition from society or others. Organised religion is no longer enough, the need is to go beyond rituals and religious props.

Food and lifestyle: Purity is the most important factor in food. Not just that the food should be sattvik (pure), without much spices and richness - but most importantly, the vibration of the food should be pure. Many level 3 people prepare their own food or get it made from their trusted cooks. The highly intuitive ability of people like Seema means that negative vibrations of the person cooking could enter her vibrations and disturb it. Food becomes a tool to organize vibrations and frequencies that enter the body. One prefers living more and more in the lap of nature, away from pollution of air, water, sound and food. An inclination for solitude and nature is prominent.

Very, very few people have traits common with SEEMA. It is only some saints that think and behave like SEEMA.

SEEMA with her frequency of 650 Hz is not too far from the escape energy of 790 Hz and if she keeps on working on her higher chakras and can surrender her ego, she has a good chance of going past the Bhurloka stage. But she needs guidance. The path now is very tough and treacherous.

So in this game of MMORPG, the creator has made some special players called Gurus. I only refer to a few genuine and real Gurus - the other kind are a dime-a-dozen. Gurus are created in this computer game to push people like SEEMA towards salvation from this stage.

There are generalist Gurus, who teach good things to humanity, who have millions of followers, incredible wealth, builds empires, political support and ashrams. They spread their name, fame and followers around the world. These gurus also play an important role in increasing knowledge and love in the universe.

But it is the other Gurus whom I venerate. They have no desire for fame, name nor money. Their only work is to identify people like SEEMA, introduce them to their inner guru and increase their frequencies. Remove the veil of ignorance and explain to them the reality of life and existence. These gurus play their role in anonymity and with simplicity.

When Arjuna in the Mahabharata wanted to quit the war, Krishna - the real Guru, showed him the real purpose of existence. He explained to him through the Bhagawat Geeta to understand reality and do his duty without running away. He was just a player in MMORPG and it was his role to fight the forces of evil. This was a huge game extending over millions of years and crores of lives and lifetimes. The game was designed in a manner that Arjun the warrior player was given a certain role. Similarly, roles had been given to his relatives whom he was facing. The game called upon him to just play his part and not involve his ego and level 2 values. To trust existence and play his part. The Geeta or the song celestial is one of the most wonderful book in the world, explaining logically the game and how one should play the role in the LEELA - the game of life.

SEEMA's interest would take her towards studying and understanding that there is a much higher reality than peace, love and family. Her exposure to the writings of a Geeta, Upanishads, Vedas and other spiritual books would open up her vistas. And, if she gets a real Guru, then her journey towards salvation (moksha) would be on its way.

Shiva-shakti of Kashmiri Shaivism

 The previous day had been unlike any other in the lives of those assembled. Lateral thinking, deep research and interdisciplinary knowledge had filled the minds of the scientists and the mystics. They could barely sleep as they waited for the morning to break for one more day of extraordinary discussions. The day would break new grounds in understanding of existence, this time from the perspectives of the mystics. By now, the scientists had seen enough to know that the talks of the Rishis, sages and saints would be dripping with knowledge and profundity. 

Next morning, all woke up fresh and excited, looking forward to imbibing new knowledge from each other. A group of monks, all bald headed and wearing ochre robes started the session by intoning a sutra from the Rig Veda in a rich, textured and melodious tone

“There was neither non-existence nor existence then.
There was neither the realm of space nor the sky which is beyond.
What stirred?

There was neither death nor immortality then. 
There was no distinguishing sign of night nor of day. 
That One breathed, windless, by its own impulse. 
 Other than that there was nothing beyond.

Desire came upon that One in the beginning, 
that was the first seed of mind. 
Poets seeking in their heart with wisdom 
found the bond of existence and non-existence.

Their cord was extended across. 
Was there below? 
Was there above? 
There were seed-placers, there were powers. 
There was impulse beneath, there was giving forth above.

Who really knows? 
Who will here proclaim it? 
Whence was it produced? 
Whence is this creation? 
The gods came afterwards, with the creation of this universe. 

Who then knows whence it has arisen?
Whence this creation has arisen –
perhaps it formed itself, or perhaps it did not - 
the One who looks down on it, 
in the highest heaven,
only He knows 
or perhaps even He does not know.”

There was a hushed silence for some time as all got affected with the profundity of the verse. All that was spoken the last evening was packed so beautifully in these verses from the Rig Veda.

After some time, Sage Bhaskara spoke for the first time, “Do not mistake the non-existence as nothingness or emptiness. It may be empty from the perspective of nothing actual, but is really “fullness” of all potential that constitute the source and soul of all things, all worlds, all beings and bodies.”

Looking at Dr. Bohm, who was sitting with his chin in his hands, sage Bhaskara said, “Dr Bohm, what you have proposed in your theory of Implicate Order could be found in the commentary on the “Siva-sutras” – collection of principles of Kashmiri Shaivism called the Spanda-karika in the 10th Century. It says that the Divine Consciousness is not simply cold, inert but active, dynamic, throbbing with life, creative pulsations – just like the vibrations or waves of the Implicate Order.”

The SHREE YANTRA-from the Implicate Order to the Explicate and from the Explicate back to the Implicate

“The potential of the Implicate Order theory of Dr.Bohm seems the same as “Shiva” – the consciousness or the pure intelligence, from which flows the energy and awareness to create the millions of  “Shakti” – the power of action. These latent potential of Shiva continue to take the form of countless shaktis.” Sage Bhaskara continued, “Consciousness is revealed (unmesa) and concealed (nimesa) by the power of mere will. Just a simple cessation of an idea in the mind is said to be nimesa, for without stopping the previous idea, the rise of the next one, unmesa, is not possible. One can observe this for oneself in every single moment between birth and death.”

Ved Vyasa smiled and added, “We humans are different manifestations of “Shakti” that have all emerged from “Shiva”. The intelligence in the human minds is no different from the intelligence in nature, and thus the unified field of nature’s intelligence can be directly experienced by any human being, if he so desires. Our meditation and processes is to understand and connect to that stage of pure intelligence. The meeting of Shiva-Shakti is our ultimate goal.”

We need to increase the frequency of our mind so as tune it with the universal consciousness and then, we will automatically “go with the natural flow” without any effort or thought.” Ved Vyasa concluded by quoting the Vedic literature, “Yatinam Brahm bhavati sarathih” (for those whose mind is established in the universal consciousness, the infinite power of natural law becomes his charioteer.)

David Bohm stood up, overcome with emotion, and went and touched the feet of Ved Vyasa, saying, “I was not even aware of the Spanda-karika of Kashmiri Shaivism. I have spent a lot of time with Indian philosophy and have not found any mention of this treasure-trove of knowledge that is so similar to my search. I have never been happier in my life.”

“Just one request, Ved Vyasa,” Bohm pleaded, “Do you know how a human or a being emerges from the implicate order to take a form?”

The Subjective is the Objective


The scientists called up Einstein from the Himalayan monastery, to report the truly extraordinary conversation between them and the mystics. Putting the phone on speaker, Dr Wheeler said, “We are so satisfied and happy that all our doubts regarding the mystic’s knowledge have vanished. We just called to say that that while science and spirituality have different paths and styles – they are eventually complementary.”

Einstein listened with rising pleasure and replied with just one sentence, “The only incomprehensible thing about the Universe is that it is comprehensible”. All assembled in the Monastery started laughing.

Dr. Duncan brought back the discussion to the topic that was bothering the scientists. With folded hands, he spoke, “Dr Gauss, a mathematician in the 1840s worked out equations of curved surfaces. After 75 years, in 1915, when Einstein was working on geometrical theory of gravity, he realized that Dr. Gauss’s mathematical image fit it exactly. Which means that an abstract formula created by the Dr. Gauss’s mind exactly matched the phenomenon of the physical world. It also means that intuition or direct subjective investigation in the mind produces valid knowledge in the outer world. The mind seems to be exactly matching matter. It is so strange.”

Rishi Bhasma stood up and raising his right hand to quite the audience, spoke, “The most straightforward explanation is that the intelligence within the human mind parallels exactly the intelligence displayed in the laws of nature. The individual is parallel to the Universal. This can only happen because the two – individual and universal consciousness, are, in fact different aspects of one underlying unity. This underlying unity is the source from which mind and matter emerge and is pure intelligence or “Consciousness”.”

Ved Vyasa was listening carefully. As Rishi Bhasma looked at him, Ved Vyasa nodded and took over the explanation, “This pure consciousness breaks out into dynamic transformation, into mind and matter– it is the basis of the physical Universe and the physical body. It is also the source of the individual consciousness. In the unified field, everything is one and there is no scope for disunion. Objectivity cannot be separated from subjectivity. This is why you scientists found that the observer changes the observed. The observer and the observed are in fact indissolubly linked. ”

Just then, there was a sound of a helicopter landing and in strode David Bohm, with his usual wave and cheerful smile. As he sat down in the chair after greeting the assembly, Dr Duncan briefed him on the ongoing discussions. Dr. Bohm spoke, “I am so glad that this meeting has taken place and all differences between the two groups are understood as separate routes to attain knowledge. And that too with so much mutual reverence for each other.”

He continued, “Ved Vyasa’s assertion about the source being one and thus interconnected is in sync with my theory regarding the Implicate and the Explicate order. All forces and particles of nature are waves in an unbounded ocean of consciousness which I call the Implicate Order. Within this ocean all waves are connected; and, thus any individual element could reveal information about every other element in the universe. Therefore from the consciousness that is embedded in the Implicate Order, there is an unfolding of space, time and matter – the ExplicateAll things found in the explicate order emerge from the Implicate Order by a process called the holomovement and ultimately fall back into it.”

“Within the Implicate Order are embedded all possible features of the explicate order as potentials, just like a “seed” that produces a living plant. The matter that emerges from this Implicate Order has a limited life. And once the duration of each matter gets over, it enfolds back into the waves of the Implicate Order.” Bohm continued, “The layers of the Implicate Order go deeper and deeper to the ultimately unknown. These intelligent and evolving dynamic waves are the basis for both life and matter. The consciousness waves of the holomovement in the Implicate Order are not static, but have been evolving to create matter beginning from elementary particles to atoms to molecules to living beings and finally to conscious beings on Earth”.

John Bell, who had accompanied David Bohm chipped in, “This Implicate Order contains the pure intelligence and the knowledge of the past, present and the future. So, when someone is able to consciously or subconsciously access it while meditating or by intuition, he gets the knowledge that he is seeking from the pure consciousness. As we are all sourced from the Implicate, we can access the knowledge of the Implicate. You, Rishis, have a method of meditating by quieting your mind and allowing the knowledge to enter you, while some of us have had accidental intake of knowledge through intuition.”

Dr. Chandrasekhar, a physicist and a philosopher, added, “People often go to movies and get so involved with the action on the screen that they forget their own lives. Similarly, the three states of the unified field of intelligence – the knower, the process of knowing and the known (or the observer, observation and the observed) interact and enmesh with each other an infinite number of times to create a movie- like life. Due to this, life becomes so textured, compact, concentrated and dense that the silent source of the unified state of Being appears forgotten and hidden. What was once pure consciousness alone has unfortunately, now become a playground of sense experiences and self-oriented activities.”

Prof. Julie Thierot, the young and attractive microbiologist from Stanford could not contain herself. She interrupted by saying, “The DNA contains all the knowledge and is complete. The messenger RNA carries the intelligence to the raw materials available (amino acids) and the resulting protein molecules are the structural components used in building the body. In three sequential steps, the DNA’s genetic code reaches out to make the body, without becoming embodied in any of the structural components that it creates. This is the way that consciousness or intelligence converts into matter.”

“Just the way, your Shiva becomes infinite varieties of Shakti, without losing any of its strength. Or just the way the Implicate Order converts into the Explicate.” Dr Duncan quipped.

There was applause from all those that had assembled and Rishi Bhasma stood up and called the meeting closed for the day. A light dinner was prepared and the scientists and the mystics mingled together for the first time in an atmosphere of joy and mutual respect. It was time to sleep early as next morning the meeting was to begin at 430 am.

The next day, it was the turn of the mystics to use the language of science. There was an air of expectancy in the atmosphere.